Look good. Feel good. Play good.
We will no longer stand for boring, dad-wears-them-so-I-think-I-should-wear-them, socks. Gone are the days of black suits, white shirts and black socks. This is your chance to be different, this is your chance to set yourself apart from Daryl’s boring, old socks. It doesn’t matter if Daryl makes six figures, his socks are old and boring which makes him, old… and boring.
Yuppie Socks offers trendy, affordable socks and ties sure to provide you with the swagger and confidence you need to be a boss. Yuppie Socks have also been unscientifically proven to increase your sex appeal.
“Trust us. It’s science.”
Our goal is to bring some color to the office, and some life to the cube farm one pair of feet at a time. EVERYONE deserves the opportunity to make their feet great again! For just $8.50 and a job (well I guess technically you don’t need a job) you can be on your way to owning a great pair of trendy dress socks.